Friday, June 18, 2010

MSL Weekly Update

From Lee Fogarty, Springfield Library Department: The Library is on schedule for planning for the reopening of Mason Square. We met yesterday with Steve Jablonski and have selected furniture and shelving for the Library. We will be finalizing details at our July 8th meeting, in preparation for submitting the order.
We did look at the garden area and are happy to see the benches have arrived.
City facilities will coordinate the following activities:
• Removal of the birch tree.
• Removal of the bird bath.
• Draft of a "master plan" for the garden, which would include a patio, performance area , plants that provide a learning experience and lend themselves to activities .
Since Northeast grounds only mows every two weeks, we are asking our maintenance staff to mow in between. Also, Scott had mentioned that we could get a delivery of mulch, so they will also mulch, weed and plant a few annuals. All of this should be completed by the first week of July.
It is important that the garden is presentable, attractive and usable for the summer reading club activities. When we have the Master Plan available for the public , they can look forward to the type of reading garden that the community deserves.
See below for the Law dept. update.
From Robert Warren, Springfield Law Department: The City responded this week, to the Urban League's request for a reduction in the amount of the established use and occupancy fee, indicating that acceptance of any reduction was subject to certain conditions, that allows both the City and the Urban League to move ahead with their respective plans. As of this update the City has not received a response. Also as of this date the Urban League has not informed the City or its relocation consultant, as to whether or not they have completed their negotiations and finalized their move plans.